Sample Testing


We welcome all people interested in Permaculture and our work here to visit our farm for a tour. We’ll show you which systems are in place and how they work. We’ll explain how we organized our design for the farm and we’ll try to answer any questions you might have about Permaculture, EcoGay, or any other related subject.

You can travel by bus or your own car until the small town of San Joaquin, from there it’s another 20 minutes of bad bumpy dirt road up the mountain to our farm. If your car cannot handle that or if you come by bus we can pick you up in San Joaquin. We’ll charge 15 USD for the return trip. We can transport 4 people comfortably and an additional person in the back of the car.

Price of the tour is 5 USD per person. If you like a simple lunch, please add another 5 USD per person. Payment can be done upfront by PayPal or in cash in Colombian pesos at arrival.